An ambigramme is a graphic play through which a single image may have several distinct and clear interpretations,
generally two distinct texts. There exist several types of ambigrammes of which the most common is a half turn rotation
(or 180°). There are also two different types of result:
either homogramme, when the same text - or heterogramme, when a different text - is readable after rotation.
Many more ambigrammes are proposed in
French, Italian and some German.

click on to turn the ambigramme around


my love

evolution - revolution
imagination - imitation
innovation - tradition
listen - speak
to be or not to be
Controla Data - Supercomputer
exceptional - wonderful

Kennedy - Lincoln
Nicole - Danielle
Thelma - Harold + a surprise!
Iris - Jay 2 versions


You may copy the ambigramme and then paste it into your preferred application.
To copy it just select it and click copy from the menu (or Ctrl + Ins keys) .

These ambigrams are automatically protected by Copyright laws. However you are authorized to make a reasonable number of copies, provided (1) it is for your personal private use, (2) it is not for business or profit making, (3) you do not change or modify them in any way, and (4) you mention the following quote in writing QUOTE Copyright 2003, Gérard Beaugonin - See UNQUOTE.

I think I can create an ambigramme with any pair of first names,
which you may want to offer for a wedding or anniversary.
The price is 50 € (or 60$) per ambigramme. Write to me.

write to me