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Ich wünsche mit Personen in Verbindung kommen, die dieselbe künstlerische Interesse wie ich  haben. Deshalb habe ich daran gedacht, den ersten Schritt zu machen, und regelmäßig über meine letzte Arbeitsvorgänge zu berichten.
Previous updates, Sept. 26, Oct. 28, Oct. 30,- last update Nov 30, 2004
Sept. 26 , 2004 : "Snail - Eloge de la lenteur " - collage on wood and papier-mâché, CD-Roms, table forks, serving spoons, keyboards' keys, plastic cups & connectors, small screws, bronze scraps. (l:75, h: 45)
Nov. 30 , 2004
The idea


Sept 26

CD-ROMs can be arranged in a sort of spiral which imitates the shell of a snail. I already made a snail for the 'Eletronic helmet'. This one was relatively small , about 25cm long and 15 high. It was very pleasing and pleased visitors to my studio. It used only 3 disks for the shell. The body was decorated exclusively with small screws recovered when dismounting computers and components.
Some time ago I had decided to make a larger one as a stand-alone object.

The shell in the current project will measure 36 x30cm, so the entire pice should be about 90cm long and 45 high. It uses 19 CD's plus 3 or 4 smaller disks, for each side. The body should again be covered with screws of various sizes.

Helmet construction


The base B in wood plates, one on top of the other, smaller as they go up. The last plate has a hole on which to set and retain in place the shell support A also in wood. Two thin wood plates C and D are attached to A. The disks are glued on these plates. The front body is a mix of wood and papier-mâché.

(click left to enlarge the sketch)

Oct. 26
Yesterday I started building the wooden structure.
It has 3 elements: the base shown in the center, the neck and head shown at right, and the support of the casing and shell shown below.


This last piece is shown from 3/4 under at left and sideways at right.
Forget the blue spots - they have nothing to do with the project - I just used a wood plate I had nearby whn working. It's going to be covered with CD's as shown above (first line). To understand the view at left refer to the sketch 2 lines above in the center.

Oct 28
Covering and shaping the wood structure with papier-mâché, then painted gold.

Gluing on the shell support: 19 CD-ROMS + 2 smaller disks + 1small hard disk + a center covering.
Placing it on the body base.
Adding the 2 long antennas. (a bit too long!). They terminate with round mouse or keyboard connectors.

Oct. 30
The one side almost covered with bronze scraps and small screws.
On the front under I used keys from 6 keyboards to write the title of the piece:


all around the keys are small rubber cups which are used to give bouncing to the keys in certain keyboards.

The antennas are cupper tubes ending with keyboard connectors or larger screws.

Nov 28
Below is the finsihed work
